Forested Wetlands and Silvicultural Practices Workshop
DNR/WETSAG/CMER hosted workshop:
A workshop for experienced professionals involved in any aspect of forest wetland function, forest management and the potential impacts to forested wetland functions
Contact CSS with additional references/comments/questions
Project Background
This project was initiated at the request of the WETSAG (Wetlands Scientific Advisory Group) of the CMER (Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research Committee) advisory group assisting the Forest Practices Board. The WETSAG committee determined that there had been no comprehensive compilation of the salient references and experiential information pertaining to a synthesis of relevant forested wetland research with an emphasis on interactions of commercial forest management activities and forested wetland functions. The project includes three elements: 1) to perform a literature review and create an annotated bibliography; 2) to hold a 1-day workshop for involved forest and wetland professionals as part of the collection and dissemination of experiential information; and 3) to develop a synthesis paper that includes the literature and workshop information.